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For Can Makers

Attendance fee: no cost for pre-registration

Your attendance fee covers meals from lunch on Tuesday through Thursday lunch, and entry into all conference activities. In addition you will be listed in the conference database, and will receive a copy of the database.


Hotel fee: $250 (Y1700)

If you wish to stay at the we offer special canmaker rate of $300 (tax and breakfast included)  for both nights, Tuesday September 22 and Wednesday September 24. Rooms can be shared by 2 attendees at no extra cost.


Download Registration Form



Or Register Online:


​Apr 1st, 2023

​Jan 31, 2023

​Dec 12, 2023

For information on ChinaCan

contact us at:



Tel: (773) 230-7029

3759 N. Ravenswood Ave., Suite 233

Chicago, IL 60613


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